From the High Seas to the Higher Self
I had joined the Merchant Navy in 1984 at the age of 17 and sailed the high seas over a period of 18 years before I settled ashore into the corporate world. Life was its usual self with its Highs and Lows. Overall, there was not much to complain. I had everything, yet there was something missing.
In June 2008, a dear relative - Mr. Vasudeva - had arranged for Guruji Prem Nirmal to conduct a meditation session at my in-laws’ place. After the session, he mentioned that Guruji could read the aura of a person. My wife Anu and I were excited and requested Guruji to read our aura.
He first saw Anu’s aura and said “It looks good”. I was happy and felt that if Anu’s aura was good, mine would definitely be ‘very good’. Guruji looked at me and in a flash said “I am conducting a program called ‘Power of the Superconscious Mind’ next week. You should attend.” I was most disappointed at that time (almost depressed) and wondered “What is the problem with me? Why is my aura not clean?” These thoughts bothered me for a while.
I did attend the weekend workshop, and for the first time I was introduced to Kriya Kundalini Yoga including Nirmal Kriya and Nirmal Dhyan. It was my first tryst with Spirituality. I did practice the Kriya for a few days and soon it took a backseat. Routine life took over the reins and in my mind I had no time for Kriya. Yet, the seed was sown.

Over the next five years, my quest for Higher Understanding increased. I attended a couple of mass spiritual programs of reputed Spiritual Masters and there my knowledge about the True Self enhanced. Yet, something felt incomplete. There was still an emptiness. There were still many unanswered questions.
The big breakthrough came in January 2014. I received an e-mail from Guruji announcing a 10-day residential program titled “Designer Destiny”. Besides the name of the program, what attracted me was the inclusion of the reading of Akashic Records of the participants. Anu and I enrolled for the program. We arrived at Om Prem Ashram and something felt different. There was tranquility all around. We were only seven participants and in a way it was a blessing for us. We got a lot of personal time with Guruji.
During the Akashic Record reading, Guruji mentioned that I would be doing Guru-karya in the future. Something in me said “Rajeev, didn’t you always want to do this?” There was a feeling of joy within me. I awkwardly asked Guruji “Who will be my Guru to guide me?” He simply smiled and nodded his head. I guess it was a silly question.
A couple of days later, we attended the “Know Your Life Purpose” workshop which was part of the program. Using the Seven Rays concept, we had to determine our Soul Type which subsequently lead us to knowing our life purpose. At the end of the workshop, my Life Purpose statement read like this - “I will enhance my Spiritual knowledge and then share that knowledge with others to guide them on to the path of Liberation”. Amazingly, it matched Guruji's reading of a couple of days earlier.
At that time, I had no inkling of when the journey of sharing the knowledge would start, but I subsequently attended Guruji’s programs regularly. My Awareness and Understanding grew with each session. The real transformation had begun. There were positive changes in all dimensions of Life.
And then the day arrived. In October 2015, synchronous coincidences led me to leave my corporate job. When I shared this news with Guruji, he said “Wow, let’s celebrate”. A month later we visited Mahavatar Babaji's cave in Dunagiri. Three months later, Anu and I founded 'The Lighthouse Wellness Studio'. With the blessings of Babaji, Guruji and all the Masters, my journey of sharing the Knowledge had begun.